The Jackie Mason Musical is based on the playwright’s ten year whirlwind romance with comedy legend Jackie Mason featuring a hilarious cast of characters, and starring their lovechild comic Sheba Mason and Ian Wehrle as Jackie Mason. The story takes place in Miami Beach circa 1977 with sixteen original songs which include “Ode to The Early Bird Special”, “I Never Met This Yenta” and “The Finger”, highlighting the romantic misadventures of Jackie Mason as Broadway stardom emerges and Sheba is born. Book and Music by Ginger Reiter.
Tickets on Sale Now! Get the best Seats for the show now!
Saturday April 13th 2 pm Matinee Show
Saturday April 13th 7 pm Show
Sunday April 14th 7 pm Show
You can also call us for tickets at: 289-802-4546
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